Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I Live In Texas

As stated earlier, meetings are taking up quite a bit of my schedule. Not that it is a bad thing, but most of them have seemed rather irrelevant to my position, thus my need to be there is very much a mystery to me.

Today, however, was quite different. I participated in a meeting involving my office and Texas Monthly. No, you may not know the details of that meeting. Yes, I felt like it was relevant for me to be there.

Now, I have interviewed (and been turned down) thrice at Texas Monthly. I feel compelled to interject here and point out who/what Texas Monthly is for those of you who for some inexplicable reason do not know this fine publication. It is a magazine. A large magazine. Texas sized, if you will (readership of 2.5 mil). It goes without saying that publication design is something all designers would like to get their mitts on at one point or another in their career. Working on a magazine, or a book, is an awesome opportunity. Personally, I have yet to work for any company producing publications for which I was a part. Texas Monthly is one of those publications we designers would love to work on. Not just for the design aspect, either. For the people who work there are inspirational and influential. Some of the people that have worked for Texas Monthly in the past are some of the biggest names in publications. I once had the opportunity to meet with DJ Stout (the award-winning Art Director from '87-99) over lunch with Marc English, my boss at the time. Today, the Art Director is Scott Dadich. But the man that started it all back in '73 (I believe) is Michael Levy. I met that man today. And shook his hand. You want to know Texas? Shake this man's hand.

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