Friday, May 28, 2004


My apologies for the lack of posting yesterday. Oddly enough I was fidgiting with this blogger for a good portion of my free time yesterday, but never bothered to post about it. But I suppose that 5.5 hour meeting yesterday just took it out of me. It wasn't a bad meeting, just long. I think we made some form of progress. To what end, I am not sure of though.

As you no doubt have already noticed, there is a READINGS and LISTENING section to the right now. The readings are book(s) I am currently attempting to read. I say attempting because I often times find myself with a lack of time to actually read, let alone free-time in general. Currently up for my intellectual stimulation circuit is The Time Traveler's Wife. I have seen this book during every trip to the bookstore (commonly Barnes&Noble). It is like it kept jumping in my field of vision, all on its own. Then (sometime last week) a friend of mine said, "Hey, you should check this book out, it looks interesting." That was the final straw. The book was now coming out of the bookstore itself to intice me. So, I bought it that day. Does this mean I bought it solely because my friend said I should check it out? No. Get over yourself Budi. HAHA. I just named you on this site, sucka. I guess that is better than saying you were responsible for my purchase of the book.

Next, is the LISTENING section. There is this kewl open-source project going on called AudioScrobbler. It is neat. Basically, it is a music database that compiles the music you listen to on your computer's MP3 player (whatever that might be). As I am a Mac user (that's right folks, I am enlightened) I use iTunes. You Windows users can have iTunes too. Go ahead. Join the good-guys. Leave the Dark Side and the trappings of hate, fear and tyranny. Soon you, too, will convert totally to the forces of good and the righteous. Er... did I just say all that out loud? Hell ya I did. Anywho - AudioScrobbler is pulling the music data (as it is played) and sends it to my database on the web of music I listen to. By clicking on "Check out", you should be able to see what is currently playing on my machine. Notice there is no Country.

Next up is a SPeCks updater/status bar/thingy to show the progress of the next page of SPeCks. This will not supercede my efforts to actually finish a page. I will create the pages first before I bother futzing with some kind of progress meter.

The corn... the poor poor corn: what?

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